Wednesday, May 2, 2012

*Makeup MP12 - Option 3

Mortal Wound Hand-Drawn Storyboard

*Makeup MP6 - Option 3

NFL Street Design Inspirations
I found these images online from games such as Madden, NFL blitz, NBA Street, NBA ballers, and Backyard football.

*Makeup MP7 - Option 3

This is my pitch document for the game God of War.

*Makeup MP7 - Option 2

Character Concept: Bowser Kong (for Super Smash Bros.)

Positive Traits
- He was created in an experiment by Professor E. Gadd in an attempt to create the best, most physically perfect fighter for Super Smash. Genes were taken from both Bowser and Donkey Kong and were spliced to create a new being with both of their strengths. He has the strength of DK, and the fire-breathing power of Bowser.
- He is an extremely large and heavy character who can do fatal damage to any opponent he jumps on or stomps on. His ground pound move as well as his furious stomping move do a lot of damage when he lands either of them.
- He has excellent jumping ability and it's requires decently hard work to knock him off a level. He can jump high and has the ability to get back on to the level easily when hit.

Negative Traits
- He is a very heavy character which makes it very difficult for him to move quickly. He is the slowest character in the game and his speed is even slower than the normal sluggish Bowser.
- He as a very short reach. Compared to the size of the rest of his boy, his arms are quite small. He must get very close to opponents to hit them or grab them
- His damage ratio is 1.5 times higher than a normal character. When he is hit by an attack that normally causes 10% damage, he is dealt 15% damage.

Visual Characteristics
- Large spiked shell
- Face of Donkey Kong with red eyes and horns
- Arm and leg braces with spikes
- Sharp teeth
- Small arms with claws
- Donkey Kong's legs
- Bowsers Hair

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

*Makeup MP8 - Option 2

This is the draft for my Bowser's Castle Super Smash Melee level.

*Makeup MP 8 - Option 3

This is my Super Smash Melee level design for Bowser's Castle, done in Maya.

*Makeup MP5 - Option 4

Cut Scenes
Need For Speed Most Wanted presents the player with many cut scenes that reveal part of the story. In this game, the cut scenes are made using real actors placed in front of digital-art backgrounds. Josie Maran is an actress who plays Mia in NFSMW, a close friend of the main character. There are often cut scenes in the game where she will talk to you, tell you new things you've accomplished, or fill you in on the next objective. She also reveals a lot of information about the main story line of the game, so she is always important to listen to. I always thought this was a cool feature because it incorporates real actors into a video game. This makes the story feel that much more realistic because the player almost feels like he/she is having a real conversation during the cut scene. Cut scenes are a great way for a game designer to reveal story line.

*Makeup MP4 - Option 3

A game that demonstrates realistic graphics is NBA 2K12. The graphics are so realistic it almost looks like you are watching a real basketball game. A game that demonstrates abstract graphics is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It presents the player with the fantasy world of Hyrule which has many amazing components far from anything even fathomable in the real world.

A great 2D game is Super Mario Bros. Wii. The game is played in two dimensions, and the player can only move on a horizontal and vertical plain. Another Mario game that is 3D rather than 2D is Super Mario 64. The player can move in three dimensions: either forward or back, left or right, and up or down.

A game that presents the player with a first-person view is James Bond: Goldeneye for N64. The player sees through the eyes of the character, and will often only see their hand with a weapon as a representation of his/her existence. Another James Bond game with a third-person view rather than a first-person view is James Bond: From Russia With Love. In this case, the player does not see through the characters eyes and is rather an outside viewer. They can clearly see the character in its entirety when playing.

A real world to game world game is Tony Hawk Pro-Skater. Players can duplicate skateboard grinds and flip tricks with a simple push of a button or a flick of an analog stick.

One of my favorite story lines in a video game exists in Marc Ecko's Getting Up. It has a deep story involving street crime, vandalism and graffiti, and corrupt government officials. You can tell a game has a great story line when you can easily picture it being a movie, which is how I feel in this case.

*Makeup MP4 - Option 2

*Makeup MP3 - Option 4

I think that the game Rock, Paper, Scissors should be restricted to only a two player game, for any number exceeding two players will make the game very confusing. The goal of RPS is clear: to beat your opponent by throwing one of three choices (rock, paper, or scissors). Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. There are three circumstances that can occur for a player in a round of RPS which are a win, a loss or a tie. It is very easy to understand who wins a round because of the widely known rules, and the existence of a loop that makes the game fair for everyone. However, when you add more than two players to a game, it is very hard to determine a winner. For example, take for instance a game of RPS played with 4 players. In a single round, one player can win, lose, and tie. If each of the opposing players throws a different choice, the fourth player will have beaten one, lost to another, and tied the third. For example, player 1 throws rock, player 2 throws rock, player 3 throws paper, and player 4 throws scissors. In just that round, player 1 has tied player 2, lost to player 3, and beaten player 4. This makes it hard to determine a winner and can make the game very confusing. Although there may be ways to alter the game to make it suit more than 2 players, RPS is most convenient, comprehensible, and fun when only played with 2 players.

*Makeup MP3 - Option 3

*Makeup MP3 - Option 2

I believe that Rock, Paper, Scissors is a game with a linear structure. The textbook defines a linear game as a game that has "explicit goals that the player must achieve in the near future to progress" [Thompson, 32]. The goal in the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors is clear: to beat your opponent by throwing one of three choices (rock, paper, or scissors).  A player can also progress through the game by simply playing. He/she can progress by saying the cadence, throwing his/her choice, and either moving on to the next round, winning, or losing. There is clearly a defined goal that the player is aware of, and he/she understands the objective of the game and how to win. Repeatedly playing the game helps the player to get better with new strategy and progress, so it's safe to say that Rock, Paper, Scissors is a game with "explicit goals that the player must achieve in the near future to progress."Although the game is not level-based, it is easy to argue that is a linear game.

*Makeup MP3 - Option 1

These are three examples that I found online of effective RPS logos.

*Makeup MP2 - Option 3

Donkey Kong Country
Platform games are undoubtedly my favorite type of games. One of my absolute favorite platform games is the classic Donkey Kong Country for Super Nintendo. Although Super Nintendo may seem to be a dated system, I consider it one of the best and a major part of my childhood. In Donkey Kong Country, you controlled both Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong and must make your way through many different challenging levels, fighting bosses and baddies such as bees, crocodiles, vultures, and beavers.

Scrabble is one my favorite non-digital games. It is board game that is played by creating words with tiles, each having a single letter. More common letters are rewarded less points, such as E and A which are one point, but other letters such a Q and Z (which there are only one of each in each game) are worth ten points. Players pick 7 tiles out from a bag randomly and then must alternate turns making a word with the tiles they pick, while trying to obtain the highest amount of points. Words can't be placed anywhere though and must work off each other and share a letter. For example, the word "home" and the word "float" can be placed perpendicular by sharing the letter "o." Players also can be rewarded double letter/word score or triple letter/word score, by placing their tiles on those specific spots on the board. There are also two blank tiles in the bag that are wild, and can be used as any letter, though they are rewarded no points for use.

Halo is my favorite first-person shooter game. It was introduced to me by my friends in middle school, and we'd often play it when we were at my friend Andrew's house. The Halo franchise only exists for x-box, and since I've never had an x-box, I've only gotten the chance to play it when I am at my friends' houses. The storyline involves a war with aliens on a foreign planet, but I often just stuck to playing multiplayer split-screen.

*Makeup MP1 - Option 2


Chess is my favorite historical game to play, and sometimes prefer playing it as oppose to playing video games. I learned how to play when I was nine-years-old at my cousin Connor's house and instantly fell in love with the game. It involves a lot of thinking and strategy, and you must value both yours and your opponent's every move. The game is played on a 8 by 8 square grid board and each player has 16 pieces. One player normally has a dark-colored set, and the other player usually has a light-colored set. Each set consists of 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 1 queen, and 1 king. The player sets up their board on the back two rows (the rows closest to them). The front row has 8 pawns positioned side-by-side across the board. The back row then has a rook on both corners, a knight next to each of the rooks, and a bishop next to each of the knights. Then a king is placed on the set color (dark or light), and the queen is placed next to it. The point of the game is to eliminate the opposing player's pieces, more importantly the king, by moving your pieces into the same spots, and overtaking their position. Pawns can only move 1 space (except for their first move where they can move 2 spaces) vertically, and must move diagonally to beat an opposing piece. Rooks can move unlimited space either vertically or horizontally, and bishops can move unlimited spaces diagonally. Knights move in an L pattern where they must first move two spaces horizontally or vertically, and then one space perpendicular to that route.  The queen can move unlimited space in any direction, and the king can move only one space in any direction. The queen is the most valued piece on the board because it has the most possibilities for movement. Players play the game by alternating choosing only one piece to move for each turn. When a player can strike the opposing player's king it is a check, and the opposing player must move their king out of the check position. When it is no longer possible for the king to escape the check position it is a checkmate, and the end of the game. Who ever can get a checkmate on the other player's king first wins.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

MP11 - Option 4

Possible Powerups for "Mortal Wound"
- Weapons (Pistol, rifle, etc.)
- Ammunition
- Painkillers, bandages, first aids kit (add time to timer)
- Energy Drink (increase speed)
- Enemy Labtop (adds to score)

Tim is my partner.

MP11 - Option 2

Travis Lake was abandoned by his parents at the age of 8 months, and was taken in by an orphanage. He grew up there until the age of 16, and it is all he knows of the definition of home. He is deaf, but his handicap has never held him back from doing anything he wanted to do. He is also quite small, around 5'6", so he often relies on his mental abilities rather than his physical abilities. Since he was never physically dominate, and was often bullied by others at the orphanage for being small and different, he was motivated to become a soldier when he reached the age of 16 in order to increase his physical strength. Although he did become significantly stronger, his main focus when he became a soldier was not getting stronger, but becoming a skilled shooter. He quickly learned that a great soldier can be defined by incredible marksmanship. Soon enough, he was awarded the best marksman of his platoon because of his accurate skills with both a pistol and a sniper rifle. Along the way, he aslo made great relationships with his platoon, and considers them as family.

Positive Traits
- Growing up in an orphanage until the age of 16, he learned quickly that relationships don't last forever.  His two only friends that he grew close with at the orphanage were adopted when he was 9, and then he never saw them again. As a result, he creates very strong relationships with people quickly because he realizes that they might not be there forever. He developed a great relationship with his platoon, and strongly believes in "no soldier left behind." If a hostage situation were to occur, he'd be the man to go in and save them.
- He was awarded the best marksman of his platoon. He is extremely skilled with a pistol and an extremely accurate marksman. He is skilled with all guns, but his pistol is his weapon of choice.
- He has a small stature, but because of this he is extremely quick-witted. He always had to outsmart bigger and stronger opponents which made him rely on his intelligence often to get things done.

Negative Traits
- Because of his small stature, he can not move as quickly when carrying a rifle or other heavy weapon. He is very skilled using weapons, but if it requires two hands to carry it slows him down significantly.
- He is not the strongest soldier and he needs to rely on his shooting skill and wit more often then his strength. He is not great in hand-to-hand combat. He is mentally strong, rather than physically strong, which may seem uncharacteristic of a soldier.
- He is deaf. He relies on his eyesight more than anything, and he must be very careful when walking around corners. Since he does not know something exists until he sees it, he often walks himself into troubling situations, for he can not hear danger.

Visual Characteristics
- Short, jet black hair
- Blue eyes
- Small, relatively thin stature
- War paint under eyes
- Dressed in army camouflage from head to toe
- Army helmet

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MP10 - Option 1

MP10 - Option 3

 design for level one

Walls are 5 units high; tables and beds are both two units high; ammo/painkiller pack/first aids kit are all one unit high; enemies and doctors are two units tall.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

MP 9 - Option 1


The story introduces a young soldier who is involved in an intense war. When the game begins, the soldier is wounded by an enemy bullet in his leg. He realizes that he must get to base before he bleeds out and dies. However, the path back to base is quite complicated. He has to navigate through three different mazes that increase in difficulty as he progresses. But because of his intensely bleeding wound, the mission is timed, so he has to move quite quickly. In the first maze, he has 2 minutes to get through and is equipped with a pistol which he can use to shoot enemies (in the maze) who are strapped with hunting knifes. He can gains points by shooting enemies, but for every time he is hit by an enemy he loses 5 seconds on the timer. He can add 10 seconds to the timer by finding first aids kits scattered through out the maze. As he progresses to each new maze, the number of enemies increase, the number of first aid kits decrease, and the complexity of the maze increases. Although each maze gets more and more difficult, he has more time to complete the harder mazes. The second maze must be completed in 3.5 minutes and the third maze must be completed in 5 minutes. Also, every time he beats a maze he is rewarded points for every second that is still on the timer. The point of the game is to get through all three mazes with the highest possible score that can be posted on the game's "Top Scoreboard."

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

MP7 - Option 2

Character Concept: Half-man, Half-beast

Positive traits:
- Was abandoned by his parents in a land inhabited by a small species of creatures. Growing up in this land as the biggest and strongest being made him rely on his strength and stature to get things done.
- Not knowing the roots of his past and his true origin made him very curious and adventurous. He has a strong desire to quest for answers and learn through experience and adventure.
- He has horse-like legs which are very strong and allow him to run extremely fast.

Negative traits:
- Because he has always relied so much on his excellent physical traits, he is not very strong mentally. He is resourceful, but he is not witty. Puzzles and anything that requires a higher level of intelligence confuses him.
- His huge and bulky physical appearance makes him feel the need to prove his strength. He is often very hot-headed and will fight with someone before he reasons with them.
- Growing up in a land of small, weak creatures who were constantly attacked by other creatures, made him very distrustful of strangers.

Visual Characteristics:
- From the waist up, he is a man built like a fit athlete.
- From the waist down, he has the legs of a horse.
- He has large horns protruding from his head like a devil as well as a pointed devil tail.
- He has a crooked smirk - almost like an evil grin.
- He has black irises.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MP5 - logo thumbnails

MP5 - option 3

MP5 - Option 2

MP5 - option 1

The Punt Game 2.0 – (redesigned)

Whats Needed

- 4-8 people - separate into two teams
- a football
- a soccer field
- one die

 How To Play

- Played within the boundaries of:
- Width- the penalty area (18 yard box)
- Length: full width of the soccer field (50 yards)
- Can be played as tackle or two-hand touch
- One representative from each team rolls the die to see who gets the ball first. The team that rolls the higher number receives the ball first, and the team that rolls the lower number must kick off.
- The team that rolled the lower number starts the game with a kick off by punting the ball.
- The other team must return the ball as far as they can until they are touched or tackled.
- As soon as the team with ball is tackled, they must roll the die to see how many downs (attempts to score with the ball) they get.
- For example, if the team rolls a 3, they get 3 downs to score.
- The ball can only be advance by punting. The team with the ball will have a quarterback that will punt the ball to his receivers instead of throwing it. If the ball hits the ground it is a dead ball (incompletion).
- When a receiver catches the ball, laterals are allowed if he/she does it before he/she is tackled.
- However, if they drop it after maintaining possession it is a fumble and a free ball for both teams.
- A team gets a touchdown by getting to the other end of the field (endzone)
- Scoring is based on how many downs the team takes to score a touchdown.
- 1 down is 6 points, 2 downs is 5 points, 3 downs is 4 points, 4 downs is 3 points, 5 downs is 2 points, and 6 downs is 1 point.
- Returned kickoffs and returned interceptions or fumbles by the defense are always worth 4 points.
- On a team’s last down, they can choose to punt the ball to the other team instead of going for a score (works like a punt in football).
- A touchback occurs when the ball is kicked into the endzone- the returning team then comes out ten yards from the endzone and starts their drive from there.
- Whichever team gets 36 points first wins.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

RPS Layout

Pokemon vs RPS - Option 2

Pokemon is not only a successful television series, spawning movies, merchandise, and playing cards, but also a very popular video game series. Starting with the first generation Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue for the Gameboy, the series has evolved and advanced all the way to the newest fifth generation, Pokemon Black and Pokemon White for Nintendo DS. Although the series had undergone a vast amount of change over the years, one concept that has remained constant in each game is the choice of starting Pokemon for the player. Don't get me wrong, the names and breeds of the starters have varied from game to game, but their types have stayed consistent. Players have the choice of picking from three starters in every game. They can pick either a Grass Pokemon, like Bulbasaur or Chickorita, a Fire Pokemon, like Charmander or Cyndaquil, or a Water Pokemon, like Squirtle or Totodile. What's especially interesting about this concept of starting Pokemon is that it follows the similar mechanics of the game Rock, Paper, Scissors, by the means that each available choice is both dominant and inferior to another. It is a constant loop that makes the games both strategic and fun such that rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. In Pokemon though, Fire is dominant to Grass, Water is dominant to Fire, and Grass is dominant to Water. No choice is better or worse than another because each is just as likely to be superior or inferior. Just remember for both games to choose wisely because you never know how you're opponent will respond.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors

How To Play

- 2 Players face each other and stand two arms lengths (wrist to elbow) from each other.
- Players agree upon a similar cadence to go by the whole game.
            - For ex: “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot” or “one, two, three”
- Either player has three choices of moves they can make which are rock, paper, or scissors.

            - Rock: Performed by making a clenched fist.
            - Paper: Performed by making an open palm with all fingers extended.
            - Scissors: Performed by extending only the index and middle finger and
            putting the rest of the fingers down.

- Each move is superior to one, and inferior to another. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats papers, and paper beats rock.
- How to win the game and how scoring is determined must first be agreed upon by the players before they start.
            - Players can play one round, best of 3, best of 5, etc.
            - Players can also play games and sets similar to tennis, in which a player is
            rewarded one game by winning a round. Two games make up one set, and
            whoever gets two sets before the other wins the match.

Childhood Game

The Punt Game - Childhood game

Whats Needed

- 2-8 people - separate into two teams
- a football
- a soccer field

 How To Play

- Played within the boundaries of: Width- the penalty area (18 yard box) and length: full width of the soccer field (50 yards)
- Can be played as tackle or two hand touch
- One team kicks off by punting the ball
- The other team must return the ball as far as they can until they are touched or tackled.
- As soon as the team with ball is tackled, they must punt the ball to the other team
- Laterals are allowed if they are done before the player with the ball is tackled
- A team gets a touchdown by getting to the other end of the field (endzone)- worth one point
- A touchback occurs when the ball is kicked into the endzone- the returning team then comes out ten yards and punts from there.
- Which ever team gets 7 points first wins