How To Play
- 2 Players face each other and stand two arms lengths
(wrist to elbow) from each other.
- Players agree upon a similar cadence to go by the whole
- For ex: “Rock,
paper, scissors, shoot” or “one, two, three”
- Either player has three choices of moves they can make
which are rock, paper, or scissors.
- Rock: Performed by making a
clenched fist.
- Paper: Performed by making an open palm
with all fingers extended.
- Scissors: Performed by extending only
the index and middle finger and
putting the
rest of the fingers down.
- Each move is superior to one, and inferior to another.
Rock beats scissors, scissors beats papers, and paper beats rock.
- How to win the game and how scoring is determined must
first be agreed upon by the players before they start.
- Players
can play one round, best of 3, best of 5, etc.
- Players
can also play games and sets similar to tennis, in which a player is
one game by winning a round. Two games make up one set, and
gets two sets before the other wins the match.
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